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  • Writer's pictureCarol Cieri

A Little Light Sheds a Great Hope

Updated: Oct 30, 2018

In a world plagued by hatred, a little hope can shed a great light.

Today was an emotional day. The Georgetown community stood united, as one body, mourning the tragic attack to the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh this past Shabbat. Members of every religious community - please, read this again: every religious community - came together against hatred and violence. The Imam, the Brahmin, the Pastor, the Priest, and the Rabbi stood side by side and prayed together. As did we, the students.

I would lie if I said I did not tear up, looking at such a wonderful display of love and compassion at a time of such hatred and rivalry. I looked at us chanting the Psalms together, following the beautiful voice of Rabbi Gartner. This is why I came to Georgetown, but most importantly these are the values that the United States of America was founded on. Regardless of the personal background, in the face of tragedy love overshadows anything else. “An attack of one of us, means an attack on all of us, and we will answer together”.

As the events of last Shabbat made me fear powerless in the face of violence, today my hope was built up once again.


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